Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

 “It is Jesus who comes to bring comfort, to give strength, to give hope and help, also to forgive sins and this is very beautiful.” “Do not think this is taboo” to call the priest over, he said, “because it is always beautiful knowing that in moments of pain and sickness we are not alone.” “The priest and those who are present during the anointing of the sick, in fact, represent the whole Christian community, who, as one body with Jesus, embrace the person who is suffering and his or her family members,” 

Pope Francis (February 26, 2014 General Audience)

This Sacrament will be occasionally celebrated at Mass during the year. If a person wishes to receive the Sacrament prior to a hospital visit or for some other personal reason please contact the priest to make an appointment. Where a person is sick at home or housebound please ask a neighbour to make representation on your behalf to arrange a visit. This is the preferred method as it protects against impersonation. The neighbour will let the person know when to expect the priest to call by.